Featured Project
Nicola Ginzel: 'How Do You Restructure Form?' July 2024
in support of her project, “How Do You Restructure Form?”.
Jonathan Goodman interviews Nicola Ginzel about mapping the Palais
Equitable in Vienna, Austria through frottage for the series, 'How
Do You Restructure Form?' May 2022
is an essay by Ian Pedigo about the beginning stages of the series
'How Do You Restructure Form?' - 2020
The project’s intention is to illuminate the positive traits of
humanity by using the symbol of the hand as a catalyst. Through
June 2022.
is an interactive project by Austrian-American Visual Artist,
Nicola Ginzel. Supported by 16 European General Consulates and
Cultural Institutions including the Ukrainian Institute of America
in New York (slow link but works).
is a collaboration of my work with composer, Mariella
Cassar–Cordina of Malta, to reimagine NYC post March 20, 2020.
Phase I of the 6-week virtual project was made possible through
Undercurrent Gallery in Brooklyn, the Austrian Cultural Forum, New
York, and the Arts Council of Malta.
in Vienna, Austria was funded by a 2019-20 US Fulbright Scholar
June 2018
25 E 73rd Street New York, NY 10021
a featured item from THE LIST - artcritical, September 2017
Hi-Desert Star, Joshua Tree, CA - 2016
Documentation done with a Go Pro Camera—very wide single lens.
Joshua Tree, CA - 2016
Stephanie Buhmann of Art Critical reviews Ginzel's Solo Exhibition:
"My Bed is Made of Atoms" at Cathouse FUNeral — December 2015
includes work by artists who are engaged with conceptual content
but dedicated to traditional materials--paint, stone, collage —
August 2015
New York Sun - October 2014
Wall Street International - June 2014
"Playing with Sketches" by Whitney Sherman, Rockport Publishers, 2014
WAFF 48 News, Huntsville, AL - January 2013
SEASON at Prole Drift, Seattle, WA - August 2013
Enrico Gomez reviews Critical Path at Art 101, Williamsburg, Brooklyn - March 2012
Robert Knafo - April 2011